We parent by example, not just by words. Children pay little attention to what we say but they watch us and our actions are more important than our words to them. Let us be MINDFUL and INTENTIONAL in our parenting.
When we catch ourselves putting ourselves down, talking badly about our weight and size, complaining a lot, arguing with our significant other, talking badly about other people in the presence of our children, we need to pay attention! When we don’t take time to rest and take care of ourselves, but tell our children to take time and take care of themselves, they won’t listen, they will often do what we do! We need to strive to become the person we are asking them to be. They are watching and hearing us even if they are only 2 years old. Parenting is difficult and we will never be perfect, in fact it is okay to make mistakes in front of our children. We can use that as a tool to teach them that we are not infallible people and that we make mistakes too. Have an intentional and mindful parenting day.
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November 2019