1. Write Down your goals
2. Have a Timeline for Your Goals 3. Pray Over Your Goals Often, then execute. 2015 is almost here and I hope you have your goals and plans written down even if it is a rough draft. Having your goals and plans in your head is not enough. You must write them down. Research suggests that people who have their plans and goals laid out are more successful than those who do not. Going into the New Year without your goals written down is akin to an architect building a house without a blueprint, plan or drawing of what the building will look like. When you write down your goals whether it is about working on your relationship with your spouse, improving yourself as a parent, taking your business to the next level, starting a new business, or returning to school, you are living INTENTIONALLY. Having your goals written down makes you accountable to yourself and your goals and begins the process of creating a physical manifestation of your vision. Writing down your goals is only the first step, the second step is giving those goals timelines. Having a timeline for your goals/plans is not just an accountability tool, it is also a helpful tool in determining what is viable within that time frame. As the year progresses, you can make adjustments to the goals you set for yourself. Make sure your plan is somewhere you can see it often. Having it by your bedside is great, put it near your bathroom mirror, in a drawer you use often, Make sure it is in a visible place where you can see it often. Lastly, pray over it, and meditate on it. Soak your plans in prayer. Praying is an anti-anxiety medication. Use it often. Great ideas that have transforming power can also be dropped into your spirit during prayer. Do it often! Writing down your goals, having a time line, and praying about your goals mean nothing without proper execution. This new year, start working actively on your goals, become intentional about them and each day, make sure you do something towards achieving them. Goals without action is day-dreaming, faith without works is dead. I wish you a prosperous and happy new year!
The year 2015 is going to be a year of divine resurrection. God will visit and breathe new breath into every dying situation in our lives. Our marriages, our relationships, businesses, ministries, visions, and goals are going to be re-awakened. Everything that we have deemed impossible, untouchable, dead, and that we have given up on is going to be resurrected.
2015 is going to be a year of divine resurrection. Be hopeful, be expectant. Everything that the enemy has stolen from you will be restored! Happy New Year! See you at the top! |
November 2019